ENAE International Business School - Cursos y master en Murcia

Masterclass Online. Distribution channels: the new normal

Date: 29th July 2020

Time: 18:00 PM (Spain)

Price: Free

Language: English


Distribution channels play a fundamental role in international trade and sales, allowing the merchandise to be located in the right place, for the consumer's reach, in the shortest time possible.

Each company must be aware of the different alternatives available to it and adapt its distribution strategy to the changes that occur in the environment in which it operates.

In this webinar, we will talk about:

  • Evolution of international channel strategies

  • Hybrid distribution models

  • Marketplaces and aggregators

  • Leveraging technologies to navigate through current challenges


Federico García Parra

ENAE’s Professor of Practice since 2013, Federico has more than 20 years of experience in the corporate world. He started his career back in 1996 holding positions of increasing responsibilities based in Germany and Spain taking charge of Marketing, Product Development and E-Commerce in Otis Elevator Company, back then a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies Corporation (NYSE:RTX), a Fortune 500 company based in the US.

Later on, he was part of a family business project leading Corporate Development and General Management serving an international network of clients and collaborators that reached more than 40 countries.

In 2011, based in Toronto, Federico became CEO at FGP Global Advisors where he supported start-ups design and implement their international growth strategies. In 2014 he was appointed Director of Marketing and Communications of Global Major Projects at Otis Elevator Company (NYSE:OTIS). He is currently based in London where he is in charge of the company’s Customer Advisory Board and top customers across the globe as Head of Global Strategic Accounts. 

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